
Knee ligament injuries

knee ligament injuries

Knee ligament injuries as a result of trauma can result in significant pain and joint instability, these knee injuries can impact on everyday life and sporting activity. When managed effectively with simple strategies and expert advice it is usually possible to make a full return to previous levels of work and activity. What is a […]

Complex Knee Injuries – The Rehabilitation Pathway

Complex Knee Injuries – The Rehabilitation Pathway - Knee Injury Rehab

Following on from our initial blog on Complex Knee Injuries we’d like to provide a small window into our knee rehabilitation model. Rehabilitation will differ based on the intricacies of the injury, the individual and their sporting discipline, however, some aspects underpin all rehab. Bill Knowles references this as “rehabilitating the knee, not the specific tissue(s) that was injured”.

Please read on for a bite-sized chunk of R4P insight

Grade 2 Medial Knee Injuries – “I’ve done my MCL”


The MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) is stressed with a valgus +/- an external rotation force to the knee. A typical mechanism for this is a block tackle, which can include an external rotation element. Landing and change of direction may also be reported as the cause.

Return To Running After Complex Knee Injury


ACL injuries remain one of the most difficult for athletes to deal with from an emotional and psychological point of view.

The mechanism of injury is often a traumatic experience and whilst not necessarily hugely painful after the initial moment (depending on any additional structures involved) the most common feeling experienced is one of shock.